Two shot at high school homecoming football game in Georgia: report - Dr-Buzz4U


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Two shot at high school homecoming football game in Georgia: report

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Two shot at high school homecoming football game in Georgia: report

Authorities in Georgia of Saturday responded to a shooting at a high school homecoming football game.

WRDW-TV reports the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office responded to a shooting that occurred at 5:30 p.m.

The station reported two victims appeared to be shot and were taken to the hospital.

The shooting reportedly happened outside the football stadium at Josey High School in Augusta.

WJBF-TV reports the Richmond County School System released a statement.

“As official T.W. Josey Homecoming post game tailgate activities were coming to an end, a shooting with injuries occurred," the statement said. "Richmond County School System Safety and Security and Richmond County Sheriff’s Office are on the scene. Two people have been transported for medical treatment. Our thoughts are with those affected by the incident. The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office is handling the investigation.”

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Two shot at high school homecoming football game in Georgia: report Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Dr-tech

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